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Broadcast 05-02-2025

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Mongolia and Qatar possible to collaborate in agriculture

Oyundelger 2017-11-06 06:11

Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry B.Batzorig met Sultan bin Salmeen al-Mansouri, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Qatar to Mongolia.

Mongolia and Qatar are possible to collaborate in agriculture. Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry B.Batzorig met Sultan bin Salmeen al-Mansouri, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Qatar to Mongolia, and exchanged views on the agricultural cooperation between the countries. Mongolia has huge livestock and meat resources for exports and it has been estimated that Mongolia is capable of exporting an average of 160 thousand tons of meat annually. The agricultural sector alone produces 18.8 percent of GDP, of which 84.9 percent is formed from animal husbandry that employs 36 percent of total workforce. With an aim to improve the health of livestock, the productivity of animal products through raw material quality, produce and export VAT included meat products, Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry B.Batzorig expressed to continue “Mongolian Livestock” program. Last year, the total livestock of Mongolia reached 61.5 million heads and around 85 percent consisted of small animals. Within this frame, a total of 9.2 thousand tons of meat and meat products were exported to Russia and China. Qatar imports nearly 70 percent of its food from abroad. Minister B.Batzorig stated the intention of Mongolia on continuing the memorandum of cooperation on veterinary and quarantine established between the Governments of Mongolia and Qatar in 2007, and training experts to exchange practices. Ambassador of Qatar Mr Sultan bin Salmeen al-Mansouri expressed in response to intensify cooperation in food, agriculture and light industry.

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