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Broadcast 05-02-2025

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Mongolia harvests over 220 thousand tons of crops

Oyundelger 2017-11-03 08:11

Land farming sector has seen crop loss on some 130 thousand hectares land this year reported Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry.

The land farming sector has seen crop loss on some 130 thousand hectares land this year reported the Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry. On national level, almost 400 thousand hectares area was cultivated for crops and various vegetables, oil plants, fodder plants and medical plants this year. The Minister reported that weather conditions such as lack of precipitation for 40-50 days and extreme heat wave that continued for about 10 days in agricultural regions resulted in crop loss. Moreover, the continued rain in August affected the quality and amount of crop. As such, Mongolia lost crop on some 130 thousand hectares land, including 107 thousand hectares wheat land.

Views: 2021



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