Eurasian young professionals get crash course in Mongolian natural resources

Critical engagement and hands-on experience carried out for young professionals
Young professionals focused on natural resources in Eurasia need hands-on experience and they want to execute critical assessment of past policies, generate their own solutions and learn from senior professionals. To address this gap, the Canadian International Resources and Development Institute and the Natural Resource Governance Institute hosted a flagship peer-to-peer learning and scenario-based group exercises workshop in Ulaanbaatar for over 20 young professionals from Mongolia, Afghanistan, and the Kyrgyz Republic. The workshop gathered a wide spectrum of participants representing key mining, finance and environmental ministries, state-owned and private mining companies and civil society, including young journalists. Course members began their training at an abandoned coal mine in Ulaanbaatar’s Nalaikh district and continued on Tavan Tolgoi mine. Participants also conducted the most up-to-date independent study on the corporate governance of the Erdenes Mongol LLC, the largest state-owned enterprise in Mongolia. The final day of the workshop was devoted to a group exercise on negotiating community benefit agreements, based on an agreement reached by Rio Tinto, the Mongolian government and Umnugovi Province communities on Oyu Tolgoi. We hope senior officials in the Mongolian government and other major international projects invest in practical learning for young professionals who will make up resource governance institutions, said the participants.
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