Food security seriously considered

Food security is seriously considered.
Food security is seriously considered. A National Forum on Food Security was held at the initiative of President of Mongolia, Mr. Kh.Battulga,. Speaking at the forum, Deputy Minister for Food, Agriculture and Light Industry J.Saule underlined that food supply from domestic market has improved in recent years, satisfying main needs of meat, milk and vegetables domestically. “However, we are still 100 per cent dependent on imports of sugar, various types of rice, fruits and food oil products. Food security issues are concerned in connection with it. Moreover, Mongolia should also pay attention to food storing, transportation, hygienic issues and trading environment of foodstuff,” Mrs. Minister said. Some participants of the forum noted that legal environment regarding to ensuring food security has been already created, having adequate laws and regulations, but implementation and responsibility for adhering the legislation as well as customers’ education should be extensively improved. The Forum attracted representatives from food industry, government institutions, NGOs, scholars, farmers and herders from 21 aimags. They released a recommendation on ensuring the food security in Mongolia, at the end of the Forum.
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