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Broadcast 22-01-2025

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Official guidebook and UB city map for tourists published

Oyundelger 2017-08-22 04:08

To provide tourists with necessary information the “Ulaanbaatar Official Visitors Guide” and “Ulaanbaatar Official Tourist Map” were released by City Tourism Department.

Official guidebook and UB city map for tourists published. To provide tourists with necessary information the “Ulaanbaatar Official Visitors Guide” and “Ulaanbaatar Official Tourist Map” were released by City Tourism Department. The guidebook introduces not only the main cultural regions of Ulaanbaatar city but also contains contacts of tourist information centers, embassies, ambulances, police as well as the information on how to buy a bus ticket and how to order a taxi. “Ulaanbaatar Official Tourist Map” includes the map of Peace Avenue which is the main tourist area of Ulaanbaatar city and Terelj National park. Moreover, the map shows entertainment areas, the biggest shopping centers, restaurants, embassies, and hospitals. Soon the guidebook and the map can be downloaded at the designated website of

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