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Broadcast 18-12-2024

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Four more Przewalski horses arrived in Mongolia

Oyundelger 2017-06-27 08:06

Prague zoo of the Czech Republic sent out four more wild horses or Przewalski horses to Mongolia, releasing them on the ‘B’ part of the Strictly Prohibited Area of Great Gobi.

Four more Przewalski horses arrived in Mongolia. Prague zoo of the Czech Republic sent out four more wild horses or Przewalski horses to Mongolia, releasing them on the ‘B’ part of the Strictly Prohibited Area of Great Gobi. Reintroduction of Przewalski wild horses to Mongolia has been implemented for over 25 years and the population of the reintroduced Takhi wild horses reached 600. As of the first half of this year, the Takhi population has grown by 55 foals.

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