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Broadcast 02-01-2025

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Different breeds of sheep to be raised in Mongolia

Oyundelger 2017-06-22 04:06

With an aim to improve sheep quality, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry has brought in 657 sheep of Suffolk, Berrichon, Romanov and Merino breeds.

Different breeds of sheep to be raised in Mongolia. With an aim to improve sheep quality, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry has brought in 657 sheep of Suffolk, Berrichon, Romanov and Merino breeds. These high-grade sheep will be used in Mongolian agriculture in accordance with the breeding strategy and policy. “Taishir-Urguu” LLC was selected as the first one to use them for breeding. The offspring of these sheep will be provided by order to private entities engaged in meat and wool production. The ewe produces twins with almost each birth. Therefore, Romanov is highly convenient for mass producing mutton. Due to its high reproduction rate, sheep farmers breed Romanov sheep with Suffolk breed sheep. As a result, lambs in spring weight around 60 kg. This requires 4 months of pasture and 2 months of feedings. Suffolk breed ram have average weight of 120-140 kilograms, while the ewes have 70-90 kilograms. A 6-month-old lambs weight equal to 3-year-old Mongolian sheep. Also, these sheep yield 4-5 kilograms of wool. With an average weight of 130 kilograms for ram and 80 kilograms for ewe, these sheep yield 4.5 to 6.6 kilograms of wool. A hundred ewes of Berricon du Cher sheep produce around 160-180 lambs in average. Although the number is less than Romanov breed, this breed is highly convenient for breeding. The meats of Berricon du Cher are considered high-quality among other breeds and rams weight 100-140 kilograms, while ewes weight 60-70 kilograms. These sheep grow around 341 kilograms of wool per day and yield 4.5 kilograms of wool.

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