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Broadcast 01-05-2024

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President attends first national symposium of citizens’ representatives

Oyundelger 2017-04-19 06:04

The first national symposium of citizen’s representatives in court considered the role of citizens’ representatives in court and challenges in realization of the relevant law.

President attends the first national symposium of citizens’ representatives. The first national symposium of citizen’s representatives in court considered the role of citizens’ representatives in court and challenges in realization of the relevant law, and issued a recommendation on how to improve the present situation. It attracted almost 900 individuals consisting of several hundreds of citizens’ representatives from all over the country, and about 100 judges, and representatives of public organizations, NGOs and sub-districts of the capital city. Speaking at the conference President Ts. Elbegdorj remarked that ‘A citizen’s opinion based on his/her experience with court will define the judiciary pillar better than that of a government official’ and also praised the successful operation of Mongolian judicial website that has 15 thousand registered users now. Mongolia’s judicial court website was launched in the framework of reformation of the judiciary branch and 10 thousand internet users visit the website every day to access to download the court decisions.

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