Women entrepreneurs to be supported
romotion of business women was the main focus of the meeting of Member of Parliament M.Oyunchimeg with Asia Foundation’s Country Representative, Meloney Lindberg.
Women entrepreneurs to be supported. Promotion of business women was the main focus of the meeting of Member of Parliament M.Oyunchimeg with Asia Foundation’s Country Representative, Meloney Lindberg. MP Oyunchimeg asked Lindberg to help women participate in the Asia Foundation’s Women’s Business Center (WBC) project. 829 women were involved in the WBC since it was launched in 2016, and the project will continue until 2018. The center helps women entrepreneurs learn how to write a business plan, offers business advice, helps its members improve their marketing skills, and teaches women how to access financial resources. Meloney Lindberg noted that the project’s resources are available to women entrepreneurs who are interested in taking part in the business incubator.
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