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Broadcast 04-12-2024

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2016 archaeological findings introduced

Oyundelger 2017-01-12 10:01

An academic conference designated to introduce the outcome of archaeological expeditions conducted in Mongolia was held at Mongolian University of Science and Technology, assembling archaeologists who

2016 archaeological findings introduced. An academic conference designated to introduce the outcome of archaeological expeditions conducted in Mongolia was held at Mongolian University of Science and Technology, assembling archaeologists who have enriched the existing list of Mongolian archaeological treasures with their fresh finds in 2016. The ‘Mongolian Archeology – 2016’ conference presents the most interesting archaeological findings including unique petro glyphs and iron melting furnace of Hunnu era, Xianbei era tombs, Turkic and Uighur aristocrats’ scared tomb and rock grave. In 2016, Mongolian archaeologists have realized projects and programs in cooperation with scholars and organizations from 12 countries to conduct researches in more than 50 soums of 18 provinces.  

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