Mongolian law enforcement bodies to design anti-corruption training programs with OSCE
Mongolian law enforcement bodies are to design anti-corruption training programs with OSCE.
Mongolian law enforcement bodies are to design anti-corruption training programs with OSCE. A four-day workshop for Mongolian law enforcement personnel focusing on ways to strengthen professional integrity and tackle corruption started in Ulaanbaatar. The workshop, organized by the Border Security and Management Unit of the OSCE Secretariat’s Transnational Threats Department, included twenty officers from the Border Protection Service, the Anti-Corruption Agency, the Police, and the Customs Service. The interactive workshop included group work that will lead to the development of customized anti-corruption training programs for the agencies represented. The participants, guided by an OSCE international expert, will eventually utilize the programs for the in-house trainings of officers from various Mongolian law enforcement structures. The workshop contributes to further strengthening the OSCE partnership with the Law Enforcement University under Mongolia’s Ministry of Justice. The University will serve as the focal point for coordination of OSCE support to Mongolia’s relevant national agencies dealing with transnational threats and challenges in the years to come.
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