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Broadcast 14-01-2025

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World tallest indoor statue marks 20th anniversary

Oyundelger 2016-10-28 02:10

The Gandantegchinlen Monastery, which is the main Buddhist center in Mongolia will mark 20th anniversary of the rebuilding of Avalokitesvara statue.

World tallest indoor statue marks 20th anniversary. The Gandantegchinlen Monastery, which is the main Buddhist center in Mongolia will mark 20th anniversary of the rebuilding of Avalokitesvara statue. The 26.5 meter-high statue of the Avalokitesvara is considered as an incarnation of the Buddha, and it is the tallest indoor statue and stands in the main temple of the monastery.  The original statue was made of copper was constructed after the appeal of the Mongolian public. The main reason for the building the statue was to restore the sight of the 8th Jebtsundamba, also known as Bogd Khan, who had claimed the title of Emperor of Mongolia. Following the collapse of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the return to democracy, the statue of Avalokitesvara was rebuilt with donations from the Mongolian people. The construction of giant statue was completed in 1996. Dalai Lama participated in the opening ceremony and blessed the new Avalokitesvara statue in Gandantegchinlen Monastery. The statue contains 2,286 precious stones, flowers, the Ganjuur, Danjuur sutra, a life-sized Mongolian ger and is gilded with gold leaf.       

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