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Broadcast 15-01-2025

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Turquoise continues to expect intended output from Oyu Tolgoi

Oyundelger 2016-10-28 02:10

Turquoise resources Company continues to expect intended output from Oyu Tolgoi for 2016.

Turquoise resources Company continues to expect intended output from Oyu Tolgoi for 2016. Oyu Tolgoi announced an update on its production for the third quarter of this year. Oyu Tolgoi continued to deliver solid safety performance over the past quarter, achieving record material mined over the quarter crossing 25 million tons and delivering continuing progress with underground development - including award of critical contracts. Safety continues to be a major focus throughout Oyu Tolgoi’s operations and the mine’s management is committed to reducing risk and injury. Oyu Tolgoi set an all-time high in Q3’16 for quarterly material movement of more than 25 million tons. Good progress continues with underground development. Oyu Tolgoi recently signed an additional underground mining and support services contract with Dayan Contract Mining, a joint venture between Hasu Megawatt and Redpath, for the sinking of Shafts 2 and 5. Turquoise Hill Resources continues to expect Oyu Tolgoi to produce 175,000 to 195,000 tons of copper in concentrates and 255,000 to 285,000 ounces of gold in concentrates for 2016.  

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