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Broadcast 14-01-2025

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Chinggis Khaan’s legacy and Indian culture to be discussed

Oyundelger 2016-09-22 03:09

Chinggis Khaan’s legacy and Indian culture are to be discussed.

Chinggis Khaan’s legacy and Indian culture are to be discussed in international conference. The conference will be the first major interaction between the ‘think-tanks’ of India and Mongolia in recent years. The conference is a unique event which would explore Chinggis Khaan, His Legacy and Indian Culture through the eyes of Indian and Mongolian scholars. A 20 member delegation will participate in this academic event. The conference will have five sessions including Traditional image of Chinggis khan; Chinggis khan and modern Mongolian identity; Buddhist dimension and Indian culture; Geopolitical implications; and Economic prospects of Mongolia and India, National General Secretary of the ruling party in India and some members of Indian Parliament will participate in the conference besides Indian scholars from different universities and regions. The conference will be preceded by a photo exhibition at the Art Gallery of Union of Mongolian Artists. Photos to be displayed at the exhibition will show relationship of Mongolia and India, Chinggis khaan’s legacy, culture and tradition of Indians with Mongol origin and Indian crafts. 

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