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Broadcast 13-03-2025

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Puzzle games help preserve traditional culture

Oyundelger 2016-09-15 08:09

Puzzle games help preserve traditional culture.

Puzzle games help preserve traditional culture. Mongolian ger shaped puzzle game keeps helping to save the tradition. Two young Mongolian entrepreneurs created avant-garde items that have Mongolian national style and their invention was 2D and 3D wooden puzzle games including one in the shape of a Mongolian traditional dwelling Ger. The Ger puzzles are fully furnished, including beds, a storage box, table, fireplace, cupboard, hide skin bag for airag or fermented mare’s milk and some other furniture you can find in the traditional nomadic family’s home. By assembling the puzzles people would learn a lot about the classic Mongolian nomadic dwelling Ger and about traditions that express Mongolian concepts of symbolism. Besides their brand product Ger puzzle games the local souvenir company called Urgoo Puzzle produces a large number of accessory items of the puzzle and other souvenir products, including puzzle livestock animals and horse hitching posts which are nice souvenir and gift for foreigners. 

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