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Broadcast 05-02-2025

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Child poverty in Mongolia to be studied

Odonchimeg 2016-08-29 05:08

Child poverty in Mongolia is to be studied.

Child poverty in Mongolia is to be studied.  The government of Mongolia and UNICEF are launching the results of the first ever comprehensive deprivation analysis (MODA), which presents a multi-dimensional picture of child wellbeing and areas of persisting disparities in Mongolia. MODA adopts a holistic definition of child well-being, concentrating on the access to various goods and services which are crucial for their survival and development. It recognizes that a child's experience of deprivations is multi-faceted and interrelated, and that such multiple, overlapping deprivations are more likely to occur, and with greater adverse effects, on more socio-economically disadvantaged groups.  The MODA by Economic Policy Research Institute, supported by UNICEF Mongolia illustrates significant deprivations of children in all analyzed dimensions, including, health, nutrition, education, ECD, WASH, housing and child protection with significant overlap with monetary poverty. Pure monetary policies aiming to raise household incomes in order to reduce income poverty of children would exclude a significant proportion of children who may not be considered monetary poor, but are nevertheless lacking essential resources for their development and contribution to human capital. Thus, knowledge of and insight into the characteristic of the poor and deprived children help the government in designing policies and programs that address both monetary and multidimensional child poverty. 

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