Access to daycare to be improved
Access to daycare to be improved.
Access to daycare to be improved. Related ministries have commenced taking some necessary measures to increase the number of kindergartens in the city and localities, under a direction given by the Prime Minister J.Erdenebat. With this decision, the capacity of kindergartens are to be upgraded by 16 thousand children in Ulaanbaatar and 12 thousand in the provinces. Obligations have been given to the Minister of Education, Culture, Sciences and Sports on smooth and immediate proceeding applications of individuals and companies, who requested special permit to run kindergartens. It is estimated that 84.6% of children in localities will be able to attend daycare, while the percentage will likewise go up in Ulaanbaatar to 70%. Last year, the Association of the Private Pre-Education Institutions of Mongolia initiated a charitable work, which would enable 3,000 children per year to attend daycare free-of-charge. The Association and the Ministry have established an agreement thereon. The 3,000 will be only children of public school teachers and staff.
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