Northeast Asian Think Tank opens in Ulaanbaatar
Northeast Asian Think Tank opens in Ulaanbaatar.
Northeast Asian Think Tank opens in Ulaanbaatar. Northeast Asian Think Tank opened on July 28, under the Institute of History and Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia, at the initiative of the Institute for the Humanities of Japan, with an aim of studying the social and historic processes in the Northeast Asian region. The Mongolian Academy of Sciences have inked a cooperation agreement with the Japanese Institute for the Humanities on January 22. In accordance with the document, Mongolia have assumed a commitment to promote expansion of collaboration of scholars and academicians in Northeast Asia, and to create a new platform of cooperation for deepening the studies on the regional history, culture, society, economy and politics. The Think Tank enables Mongolian scholars to study own country’s history at the regional level, as well as to take active parts in the international and regional programs, implemented by Russia, Japan, China and the Koreas, highlighted D.Regdel, the first Vice President of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences. Professor Narifumi Tachimoto, Director-General of the Research Institute for the Humanities and Nature of Japan, said that the institute has been implementing three programs on Chinese Studies, Indian Studies and Islamic Studies. In light of the expansion of these programs, we launched a Northeast Asian Studies Program. “Mongolia is located in the heart of this region, so has the full capacity to become the key research base for Northeast Asia”, he noted. Doors of the Northeast Asian Think Tank are open to all scholars and academicians of all institutes of the Academy and the university professors of Mongolia.
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