Mongolian xylograph registered in UNESCO’s Memory of the World

TOWARDS ATTAINING WISDOM” xylograph registered in UNESCO’s Memory of the World.
“TOWARDS ATTAINING WISDOM” xylograph registered in UNESCO’s Memory of the World. “Merged Garakhiin Oron” (Towards Attaining Wisdom) Tibetan-Mongolian Glossary xylograph has been listed as a Memory of the World by the UNESCO. The xylograph was created in 1924 in the Agiin Datsan (religious school of Agi) of Buryatia, as initiated by the Mongolian Institute of the Chronicles and Documents – today’s Academy of Sciences. Seven copies are preserved in the Museum of Rare and Precious Books of the Mongolian National Library and others are kept in Tibetan book fund of the library. The glossary was registered by the Government of Mongolia as a unique cultural heritage in 2012. The creation is unmatched for its great effect on the national philosophy and achievements of the scientific development, as well as the mesmerizing cultural masterpiece of the nations of the East.
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