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Broadcast 04-02-2025

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Mongolia-Russia joint Selenga exercise approaching

Oyundelger 2016-08-07 09:08

Mongolia-Russia joint “Selenga-2016” exercise is approaching.

Mongolia-Russia joint “Selenga-2016” exercise is approaching. Mongolia-Russia joint military field exercise under the code name “Selenga-2016” is commencing late August. The exercise will incorporate training of destroying illegal armed groups, emissary and searching operations. Battalions of tanks, mortars and mine-throwers, squadrons of security and missile, companies of motorized infantry, and military unit of air defense are planned to engage in the exercises. As a result of the negotiations during the preparation meetings for “Selenga-2016”, representatives of the Mongolian Armed Forces have reached an agreement with the leaders of the Far Eastern Military District of Russia on organizing the exercise on the Russian territory. The joint exercise will continue until mid-September. 

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