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Broadcast 17-10-2024

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Ruling MPP promises housing for families with four or more children

Odonchimeg 2016-07-05 07:07

Ruling MPP promises housing for families with four or more children.

Ruling MPP promises housing for families with four or more children. The new government will be formed by the Mongolian People’s Party (MPP), the country’s first-ever political party and the party which won 65 seats in the 76-seated parliament. The MPP election platform reflects certain important social issues as child healthcare, vulnerable groups-oriented welfare and population growth encouragement. The MPP promises improving care for mothers and children and reducing infant mortality rate, through financing the medicine expenses for children under five from the Health Insurance Fund, strengthening immunization from scarlet fever and chicken pox, as well as increasing the amount of maternity leave benefits. Maternity leave period will be acknowledged as fulltime employment and added to the total length of employment of the women. The MPP has also reflected in their platform a goal of creating disabled children-friendly environment, and favorable space for all school-age children by restricting the number of pupils in one class within 30. Children from herder’s family will be able to attend school starting from 6-8 years of age. Young families and the families who have four or more children under 18 years of age will be provided favorable housing opportunities.   

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