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Broadcast 04-02-2025

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Two dozen Mongolians to be involved in Japanese government scholarship

Odonchimeg 2016-06-21 09:06

Two dozen Mongolians to be involved in Japanese government scholarship.

Two dozen Mongolians to be involved in Japanese government scholarship. The Japanese Grant Aid for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS) will continue in Mongolia with non-refundable aid of JPY 555 million from the Japanese government. An intergovernmental note of exchange on the project realization was signed by Mongolian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Purevsuren, and Japanese Ambassador to Mongolia Mr. Takenori Shimizu. This year 22 Mongolians will be involved in the human development scholarship program. The Japanese Grant Aid for Human Resource Development Scholarship started in Mongolia in 2001, and since that time 262 fellows have benefited from the scholarship.   

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