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Broadcast 05-02-2025

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Youth employment project launched

Odonchimeg 2016-06-21 09:06

Youth employment project launched.

Youth employment project launched. A new Youth Employment Project (YEP) aims to improve employment opportunities for young job-seekers. The project is being implemented by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in partnership with the Mongolian Ministry of Labor. The Youth Employment Project is a continuing phase of SDC’s Vocational Education and Training (VET) Project, which in the past four years has provided much-needed support for the supply side of the labor market through vocational training schools. Complementing the VET Project, the Youth Employment Project will focus on the demand of the local labor market through mediation between jobs-seekers and employers, and support for youth self-employment, with emphasis placed on effective employment support services and innovative start-ups that have growth potential. The YEP will help strengthen labor policies and will improve staff capacities in delivering employment services to Mongolian youth. The project will eventually help remove the shortage of skilled workforce and lower the high rate of unemployment. 

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