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Broadcast 20,21-12-2024

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Mongolian transportation sector to be strengthened

Odonchimeg 2016-06-15 08:06

Mongolian transportation sector is to be strengthened.

Mongolian transportation sector is to be strengthened. The Cabinet supported the project called “Intergovernmental agreement on performing international transportation through Asia road network” signed between Mongolia, Russia and China. The agreement shall ensure the legal regulations to develop trade, transportation and economic relations between the countries along with to ensure communications of transport media, support cooperation in auto transportation and to comply with international standards and regulations. The signing of the agreement shall allow Mongolian logistics and transportation companies to provide logistic services to third countries enter to the global market and launch transportation gates. It will also ensure to organize transportation within TIR convention to organize transportation between Mongolia and third countries. With the agreement Mongolia’s foreign trade scope shall expand and positively affect Mongolian economy as well as to reduce trade, transportation, customs, tax and insurance difficulties.


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