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Broadcast 20,21-12-2024

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ASEM Finance Ministers’ Meeting to boost regional economy

Odonchimeg 2016-06-12 10:06

ASEM Finance Ministers’ Meeting pursues to boost regional economy.

ASEM Finance Ministers’ Meeting pursues to boost regional economy.  The 12th Asia-Europe Finance Ministers’ Meeting was held in Ulaanbaatar, as an official side event ahead of the 11th Asia-Europe Summit on July 15-16. The meeting considered three part agenda on macroeconomic developments, financial stability and increased connectivity between Asia and Europe. Mongolia welcomed finance ministers and heads of delegations from 43 ASEM nations, as well as chief representatives of the 13 international economic and financial organizations, including the European Commission, International Financial Corporation, World Bank, European Bank for Re construction and Development and ASEAN for the two-day event. The meeting called upon to increase connections between Asia and Europe through infrastructure, and the meeting participants also exchanged views on investment and workforce. Mongolian authorities said that present improvement of connections will require the financial collaboration of the countries and international institutions.  

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