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Broadcast 20,21-12-2024

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Marubeni wins Tavan Tolgoi power plant

Odonchimeg 2016-06-02 05:06

Marubeni wins Tavan Tolgoi (TT) power plant in Mongolia.

Marubeni wins Tavan Tolgoi (TT) power plant in Mongolia. Japan’s Marubeni Corporation has won the 450 MW Tavan Tolgoi Power Plant project tender. The power plant will be built adjacent to Tavan Tolgoi, one of the world’s largest untapped coking and thermal coal deposits, located in Umnugovi Province in southern Mongolia. The power plant is expected to source its coal supply from Tavan Tolgoi, which has a total estimated resource of 6.4 billion tons, one quarter of which is high quality coking coal. In May the Mongolian government is planning to sign the investment contract with the project company. TTPP is foremost going to provide power to Oyu Tolgoi. It will also be the premise for providing power to the other mining projects. The power plant will consume 1.5million tons of coal each year and the local companies will have the main role of supplying and providing human resource. This will bring the local development to a higher level. The Tavan Tolgoi power plant project will become an exemplary standard of methodology for all mega projects coming up.  

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