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Broadcast 19-12-2024

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Asia Foundation’s “Engaging Stakeholders in Environmental Conservation– II” project launched a key foundation product of the project–the Frugal Rehabilitation Methodology (FRM)

Odonchimeg 2016-04-18 10:04

The FRM has been specifically developed for the rehabilitation of lands degraded by artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM). The FRM Launch is an opportunity for ESEC II to profile the importance of a unique toolkit that allows rehabilitation to be achieved in an economically affordable, socially acceptable and ecologically viable way.

Asia Foundation’s “Engaging Stakeholders in Environmental Conservation– II” project launched a key foundation product of the project–the Frugal Rehabilitation Methodology (FRM). The FRM has been specifically developed for the rehabilitation of lands degraded by artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM). The FRM Launch is an opportunity for ESEC II to profile the importance of a unique toolkit that allows rehabilitation to be achieved in an economically affordable, socially acceptable and ecologically viable way. The FRM is a document that has emerged as a result of ESEC II’s collaborative efforts to implement Frugal Rehabilitation Demonstration (FRD) projects across 17 locations within nine aimags. The toolkit is designed to help ASM NGOs demonstrate their environmental responsibility through best practice and provide support to the formalization process within the ASM sub-sector by improving such ASM NGOs’ “license to operate” through encouraging and guiding positive engagement with stakeholders on social and environmental responsibility. The launch introduced two main publications–the FRM Field Handbook and the Frugal Rehabilitation Demonstration (FRD) Case Studies Handbook. These publications, when used in conjunction, will serve to inform and guide ASM NGOs and partnerships to scale-up and replicate frugal rehabilitation best practices, significantly reducing the impacts of ASM across the country.

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