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Broadcast 19-12-2024

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Uuganaa interviewed at UN Radio to raise awareness of right meaning of word Mongol

Odonchimeg 2016-03-27 09:03

Mongolian lady is interviewed at UN Radio to raise awareness of right meaning of word Mongol.

Mongolian lady is interviewed at UN Radio to raise awareness of right meaning of word Mongol. Uuganaa Ramsay, a Mongolian author living in Scotland, was interviewed about her exploration why the link persists between Mongolia and Down syndrome. In her book, Uuganaa skillfully interweaves the extraordinary story of her own childhood in Mongolia with the sadly short life of her late son Billy, who was diagnosed with Down syndrome. Ms Ramsay's book "Mongol" won the Non-Fiction Book Award from the Scottish Association of Writers. Although the World Health Organization advised against using the word "mongoloid" to describe people with Down syndrome, due to its racial implication, the term is still used in certain parts of the world. Using the word Mongol to describe those living with Down syndrome has a negative effect on people's understanding of both Mongolian culture and those with the genetic disorder. 

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