Mercy Corps helps herders to survive Dzud
Mercy Corps helps herders to survive “Dzud” weather crisis.
Mercy Corps helps herders to survive “Dzud” weather crisis. The global organization Mercy Corps is supporting Mongolian herders who are enduring extreme winter conditions – known locally as “dzud." Mercy Corps’ team members are providing coordination, logistics and transportation support to ensure the rural communities can access the supplies necessary to survive the winter and protect livestock herds. The effort will benefit nearly 14,000 people in rural areas. Mercy Corps has been working on a number of initiatives in Mongolia for more than 16 years to help pastoralists and rural entrepreneurs harness opportunities provided by the global economy. Dzud occurs on a regular cycle that begins with a low food yield – triggered initially by a summer drought – which often leaves animals under-nourished at the onset of winter. Unusually deep snows and cold temperatures then block their access to pasture while increasing the need for calories and nutrients, ultimately leading to starvation. The intense weather also blocks roads and access to markets and necessary supplies for families wintering with their herds, often far from urban centers.
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