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Broadcast 19-12-2024

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UN respond to dzud affected populations in Mongolia

Odonchimeg 2016-03-17 11:03

UN respond to dzud affected populations in Mongolia.

UN respond to dzud affected populations in Mongolia. It is scaling up its emergency response to address the urgent needs of populations affected by the harsh winter locally known as dzud. These interventions, amounting to $2.4 million, are funded by the UN Central Emergency Relief Fund (CERF) under the rapid response window. Some 70% of the total territory has been in dzud or near-dzud condition since December 2015. As of the past week, more than 416,000 heads of animals or 0.7 percent of total herds of cattle have been perished as a result of the heavy snow fall, severe storms and cold weather conditionsThe UN response is organized in 4 projects to be provided as a package of complementary time-critical interventions including food aid, nutrition, protection, agriculture, and early recovery. The Protection and the Nutrition sector will deliver a package of food, nutrition and basic relief items to facilitate the survival of the most vulnerable herders. The agriculture component aims to protect livelihoods of vulnerable herders who are dependent on their livestock by minimizing additional loss of animal lives and damage to economic assets through fodder provisions. This will be followed by a cash intervention which will ensure that low income households can buy additional warm clothes, heating and cooking fuels, and other products essential for surviving the extreme winter and isolation. The projects will be implemented in the next six months. 

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