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Broadcast 18-12-2024

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Mongolia is experiencing still low temperatures and snowfalls, locally named Dzud

Odonchimeg 2016-03-02 09:03

According to the National Emergency Authority, snow has covered 70% of the total territory. Currently, 98 soums or districts in 18 provinces have constant heavy snowfall and 113 soums in 20 provinces have frequent snowfall.

According to the National Emergency Authority, snow has covered 70% of the total territory. Currently, 98 soums or districts in 18 provinces have constant heavy snowfall and 113 soums in 20 provinces have frequent snowfall. As of past Monday, 125,000 herds of cattle have been killed. The continuous snowfall, snowstorms and low temperatures affect more vulnerable herders living in the most affected remote districts. They lack cash to buy grass and fodder for their cattle. To make matters worse, the lack of vaccines contribute to the spread of infectious animal diseases. 

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