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Broadcast 10-03-2025

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Molecular biology laboratory opens

Odonchimeg 2016-02-23 10:02

Molecular biology laboratory opens.

Molecular biology laboratory opens in UB city. The laboratory enables independent genome, protein, and probiotic research, as well as the study of nutritional content of food products. The laboratory for molecular biology is believed to set successful beginning for establishment of a science park in the country as well as to motivate scientists apply innovative ideas for manufacturing and introduce advanced technology to local industries. University students and scientists from every field will have access to the brand new lab. The laboratory will be used to conduct agricultural and phytogenic studies. Initial studies which are planned to be conducted at the laboratory include nutritional analysis of food products, a focused study of components of locally produced food products (especially milk and dairy products), determination of characteristics of milk from Mongolian livestock, and livestock genetics studies. Results of laboratory’s studies will be reported to the public, and research conducted at the laboratory is expected to contribute to the national economy through the Mongolian Science Park Project. The new molecular biology laboratory was built as part of the Mongolian Science Park Project with 1 million USD grant funding from the Chinese government. 

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