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Broadcast 18-12-2024

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Dzud affects livestock and wildlife in Mongolia

Odonchimeg 2016-02-15 08:02

Dzud, the natural disaster affects livestock and wildlife in Mongolia.

Dzud, the natural disaster affects livestock and wildlife in Mongolia. According to the State Emergency Commission of Mongolia, the Dzud has affected livestock and wildlife in over 50 soums of 16 provinces. The Dzud is a natural disaster consisting of a summer drought resulting in inadequate pasture and production of hay, followed by very heavy winter snow and winds. The heavy snow prevents livestock and wildlife from accessing pasture and thus leading to mass death basically from starvation. A snow cover of 15-40 cm is observed for 90% of the country’s territory and will most likely continue to persist in this month. Also the upcoming spring is expected to have snowstorms and persistent high temperature would further exacerbate the situation.

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