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Broadcast 18-12-2024

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Mongolia to become key player in world tourism

Odonchimeg 2016-01-21 08:01

Mongolia to become key player in world tourism.

Mongolia is to become key player in world tourism. That was the main theme of the talk between the Minister of Environment, Green Development and Tourism of Mongolia and the World Tourism Organization Secretary General in Spain. UNWTO Secretary General said Mongolia has a capability to emerge as a key player in world tourism and promised to support Mongolia in achieving this goal. The sides agreed on establishing the first tourism observatory in Mongolia with an assistance of UNWTO, to conduct analyses on tourism’s impact on the environment, community and economy, and on tourism statistics, building a general database. A decision was made to co-organize the first Nomadic Tourism Forum in Ulaanbaatar in October 2016 in order to promote Mongolia. UNWTO agreed to give training and internships to Mongolian tour specialists and promised to provide methodological assistance on working out a national tourism development plan. 

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