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Broadcast 25-03-2025

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Mongolia to have first university hospital

Odonchimeg 2016-01-03 08:01

Mongolia is to have first-ever university hospital.

Mongolia is to have first-ever university hospital. The Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences shall have a university hospital by the grant aid from the Government of Japan. The project aims to improve the quality of training available to doctors and medical interns after graduation, to diagnose and treat more than three dozen diseases that are not currently being treated locally, and to carry out nationwide surveys and workshops. The University Hospital will have 150 beds and departments of forgastrology, gynecology, post-natal and maternity, pediatrics, traumatology and neurology, as well as surgical facilities and emergency aid. The hospital is planned to be of the district where it is located and then with the time will provide medical services throughout the country.  

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